【招聘】vivo中东招聘 Logistics Specialist 1名

【招聘】vivo中东招聘 Logistics Specialist 1名
Job Responsibility
1. Cooperate with the delivery of mobile phones, materials and accessories from domestic originating factories, including warehouse booking, customs declaration, and output of customs clearance data;
2. Coordinate the purchase of non-factory channels at various commercial ports, and be responsible for arranging suitable transportation methods.
3. Track the status of the goods and assist the destination customers in customs clearance matters
4. Manage logistics providers, check monthly bills, and share costs among countries.
5. Assist destination customs clearance
6. Track the status of the goods, notify the customers of the arrival time, and provide the destination customers with the customs clearance requirements documents
7. Monthly payment, document verification and filing
8. Check the monthly bills of domestic logistics providers and share the costs of various countries
9. Customs declaration and customs clearance documents are stored and archived.
10. Monthly report summary & analysis
1.Bachelor degree or above in logistics management, international trade, and other related majors
2.Proficient in English & Chinese, listening, speaking, reading and writing;
3.Possess strong statistical and data analysis skills, and proficiently use Microsoft Office software
4.More than 2 years of international logistics work experience is preferred
请应聘者发简历至:liuyang@me.vivo.com,邮件标题为“应聘岗位 +到岗时间+期望薪资“
